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Business One 3-part online event series

In order to provide all interested parties with the opportunity to learn more about the SAP Business One enterprise management system, our solutions developed for it, and its advantages, < strong>we have launched a free, online series of three suitable events.


1. Be automated

2. Be able to handle complex, personalized tasks

3. Be cost-effective and not a complex, complicated enterprise system

5. Manage your project or production processes on a simple web interface

We gave HUF 1 million discount to the first 5 applicants who registered for our event and then ordered the introduction of the SAP Business One project.

The presentations of the event can be reviewed by pressing the button, the presentations can be downloaded!

1. Description of SAP Business One web client

27.09.2023. - Zoltán Bartha

2. Description of SAP Business One project controlling add-on

10.04.2023. - Zoltán Molnár

3. SAP Business One web-based solutions - mobile logistics, service, web intranet solutions (sales support, B2B, reporting)

11.10.2023. - Péter Szabolcsi, Zoltán Molnár

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